Prohibiting ‘non-medicinal’ Cannabis Production and Sales in the City was passed Monday night… but wait a minute… are these so called ill-legal cannabis city outlets in fact selling ‘medicinal cannabis’???

First and foremost THANK YOU Premier Horgan for wanting to do nothing with Metro’s mobility pricing!  A bombastic “unaffordable” yellow brick toll road from our many “retiring” Metro mayors.  Robert Shaw’s report speaks volumes as to why this is a nonstarter from a ‘no more tolls’ NDP government warring front.  And the irony as in at odds in all this is our “NDP” MLA Ma is an advocate for Metro mobility pricing… hmm.

Meanwhile… Monday Night’s City Council Fight Card was over before the strike of seven, with our infamous mayor a no-show.  And to every medicinal cannabis user’s angst the third reading regarding bylaws prohibiting non-medicinal Cannabis Production and Sales in the City was passed 5 to 1 with interim mayor Rod Clark inhaling…

Does this mean our city’s “medicinal cannabis dispensaries” which are emphatically “not selling non-medicinal cannabis” are by way of our prescribed amended bylaws not breaking any city bylaws and a city business license should therefore be entitled to our cannabis outlets?

“According to and In their own words”…
CANNABIS REGULATION: ZONING AND BUSINESS LICENSE BYLAW AMENDMENTS third reading of the following bylaws to prohibit non-medicinal Cannabis Production and Sales in the City be considered:
“Zoning Bylaw, 1995, No. 6700, Amendment Bylaw, 2018, No. 8609” (A Bylaw to Regulate Cannabis)
“Business License Bylaw, 2004, No. 7584, Amendment Bylaw, 2018, No. 8616” (A Bylaw to Regulate Cannabis).

There is nothing in either bylaw delineating “what is” medicinal cannabis.